Vizo Financial offers an effective, affordable CECL solution to credit unions to help your institution comply with these new standards. Our CECL solution, powered by ARCSys™, will provide assistance for collecting the necessary data and producing the calculations necessary to comply with CECL.
The new current expected credit loss (CECL) model is one that every credit union will have to adopt by 2023. Vizo Financial’s CECL solution, powered by ARCSys™, can help your credit union with the CECL implementation process needed to ensure compliance with the new model, and beyond. Through the online software, our solution will allow you to upload and balance your loan data, as well as perform calculations that will give you accurate loss allowance figures. Vizo Financial and ARCSys staff will also be available to provide assistance with data collection, data analysis, modeling and more.
Credit unions that utilize our CECL solution will have access to the ARCSys Allowance for Credit Loss (ACL) Calculator, which is a software that will input and balance all of your credit union data, allow you to select your preferred model and make forecasts and calculations that are specific to the new CECL model.
If you have any questions related to our CECL solutions, please contact a corporate account manager by e-mail at