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Corporate Connection E-Magazine

Corporate Connection is our quarterly e-magazine that features information on our latest happenings and hottest services. If you want an insider look at what’s going on at Vizo Financial, Corporate Connection is a must-read! Check it out now!

A Message from David Brehmer: Farewell & Thank You

When I took my first credit union job in August of 1979, little did I know that the credit union movement would become my life’s calling and, 44 years later, I would be saying goodbye to an industry that helped shape the person I am today.

I left my first job after two years to travel Europe (on $5/day) for 10 weeks with my wife, not convinced I would return to the credit union movement. However, upon returning home, I was offered a management position at a small credit union and that was it. I was all in!

In January, I will officially hand over leadership of Vizo Financial to my long-time associate, Fred Eisel, someone who I highly respect and who will do a tremendous job. I can walk away proud that I have left the organization in great hands.

It has been a true honor serving the credit union community over my 29 years leading a corporate credit union. While I have enjoyed the work, it is the wonderful people who make up this industry that kept me so engaged in this movement. We talk about the credit union difference being based on our organizational structure, but the real difference is the people who decide to make the credit union industry their chosen career. What a joy it has been to be a part of this community.

And so, with more than a touch of sadness, I say farewell and thanks. I want to thank my many board members for their support and guidance over the years. This has always been a team effort. I want to particularly thank my wonderful staff, who inspire me every day with their commitment to serving our members and their belief in the caring culture we have created. And, finally, to all of our member credit unions, keep doing the great work you do to benefit our communities. You have been a source of strength and friendship over many years, for which I am eternally thankful.

Take care of this industry we all cherish.

Best wishes,

ATTENTION: Credit Union Celebrations Ahead!

Now that autumn is officially here, the falling leaves, the upcoming holiday season and the unexplainable enticement of all things pumpkin spice (unless you’re team apple, of course) have captured our attention. But there are even more exciting things ahead…

You see, it’s also the season for many credit union celebrations, including CU Kind Day and International Credit Union Day!

CU Kind Day

CU Kind Day was celebrated just recently on October 9, 2023. Despite having already passed, we’re still feeling the love and the camaraderie of SO MUCH KINDNESS! While CU Kind Day is celebrated by many different leagues and credit unions across the country, Vizo Financial was happy to support the CrossState Credit Union Association, which serves New Jersey and Pennsylvania credit unions, in their CU Kind Day efforts this year.

The idea behind CU Kind Day was to show firsthand that credit unions are member and community-driven, that we are dedicated to our philosophy of “people helping people” and that, no matter how large or small, we try our best every day to make a lasting impact on our communities.

We were thrilled to see all the credit unions that participated in CU Kind Day alongside CrossState. If you’d like to see all the projects and community initiatives that credit unions in the New Jersey and Pennsylvania region completed as part of this special CU celebration, search #cukindnjpa on social media. Here’s a peek of just a few of the posts we loved:

Thank you to CrossState for bringing CU Kind Day to our area, and thank you to the credit unions who participated. Your kindness is what helps our movement stand out from the rest!

International Credit Union Day

The credit union celebration of all celebrations, International Credit Union (ICU) Day, is happening on October 19, 2023!

This ICU Day is particularly special because it’s the 75th anniversary of this annual celebration. That’s right, since 1948, credit unions have come together on the third Thursday of October to commemorate the credit union movement’s history and achievements. And as the diamond anniversary, ICU Day 2023 is a celebration of the impact credit unions and other financial cooperatives have made and continue to make for their members. It’s also a chance to be thankful for the lives and communities that have been improved by our movement.

Vizo Financial is one of more than 87,000 credit unions worldwide serving 393 million members. This ICU Day, we’ll be joining our fellow credit unions in 118 countries to celebrate. We love the fact that regardless of location, status of membership, asset size, etc., credit unions are present across all cultures and languages, working to help members turn hopes and dreams into reality.

No matter what your credit union has planned for ICU Day, we ask that you help share our movement’s stories with the world on October 19 using hashtag #ICUDay! It’s going to be a great day for credit unions!

For more information about ICU Day 2023 (including promotional materials, celebration ideas and more), visit WOCCU’s International Credit Union Day page.

DEI Talk: Prioritizing Mental Well-Being and Self-Care

When it comes to DEI, everything is about perspective. What makes your neighbor feel included and happy? What can you do for others to create an atmosphere of acceptance? But it’s also about the personal perspective…what makes me feel good?

That’s why mental well-being and self-care are important topics to acknowledge in your DEI discussions as well. So, let’s do it…let’s talk about mental wellness and how each of us can achieve a state of personal well-being.

To put it simply, life is challenging. At any given moment, all of us are dealing with stress from busy family lives, work, finances and so on. This stress can lead to anxiety and even depression. And, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), “anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in the United States.” These disorders affect 19.1 percent (over 40 million) of adults and approximately seven percent of children ages 3-17 in the U.S.

With those numbers in mind, it’s easy to see why prioritizing mental health is so important. The impact is apparent, as practicing regular self-care and a commitment to well-being can:

  • Improve not just our psychological, but also physical health.
  • Manage and reduce stress.
  • Recognize and meet our own emotional needs.
  • Improve relationships.
  • Achieve balance in various areas of our lives.

What Does Self-Care Look Like?

There’s often a misconception that self-care means long, quiet meditation sessions, going to yoga class or getting a massage. Although these are fantastic self-care activities, they are not the only things you can do to make a profound impact on your mental well-being. In fact, there are many types of self-care (such as physical, spiritual, space and more) that offer an infinite number of simple actions we can take that don’t require much time or financial investment to make us feel good. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Wear your favorite color.
  • Take short breaks throughout the day to go for a walk, make a cup of tea, light a candle, put on your favorite lotion, stretch, listen to music, watch a YouTube video or do anything else you would enjoy. Grant yourself this time each day.
  • Use PTO for a mental health day and give yourself a true break from work.
  • Prioritize sleep and some form of exercise, even if it’s something as simple as stretching or taking a walk around the block. Both sleep and exercise have been shown to raise our base level of dopamine (aka, the feel-good hormone) and lower levels of anxiety and depression.
  • Get outside. Even when it’s cold, spending time outdoors and breathing in fresh air can help lift spirits and relieve stress.
  • Unplug. Commit yourself to some digital-free time where screens and electronic devices are out of the picture. This allows you to be more present in your life. In addition, a reduction in screen time in the evening has also been linked to better quality sleep.
  • Learn new relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, journaling or breathing exercises.
  • Try grounding. Also known as earthing, this practice connects our physical bodies to the Earth’s natural electric charge. Spending a few minutes each day barefoot outside allows us to experience contact with natural conductive surfaces like grass, soil, gravel, stone or sand, and is shown to naturally produce many health benefits such as reducing inflammation, pain, stress and improving sleep and blood flow.
  • Maintain social connections. When we’re feeling anxious or depressed, we may not want to spend time with others and prefer to be alone. However, sometimes it’s better to reach out to others when you’re struggling. Maybe you’re not up for an entire day of activity, but engaging in any kind of social connection, like meeting a friend for a cup of coffee or going for a walk with a neighbor, has been shown to increase feelings of happiness and self-esteem, and it’s also proven to have a positive impact on our physical health.

Look for Mental Health Resources

It’s true that, despite having many self-care practices at our disposal, some mental slumps are just more difficult to overcome than others. In these instances, it may be helpful to reach out for extra support. There are many resources available to help instill mindfulness and build resilience, such as Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). Many places of employment offer EAPs these days, which have tools to assist with legal, medical, therapeutic and other concerns you may have. In addition, the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is another valuable resource that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crises or emotional distress 24/7/365.

Dolly Parton’s Words of Inspiration

When you need words of inspiration to help you through tough times, think of these from none other than Dolly Parton: “We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.”

We may not have much control over the challenges and stressors that come into our lives, but we can “adjust the sails” and commit to taking good care of ourselves emotionally and physically. Take small steps and work toward small goals to help you prioritize mental well-being and self-care in your lives. You won’t regret it!

Empowering Financial Excellence: Highlights & Insights from the 2023 Financial Conference

If you’re wondering how Vizo Financial’s 2023 Financial Conference went, we’ve got all the highlights and insights right here!

To put it simply, it was a fine event attended by over 100 credit union employees and guests. It was held from September 13-15 at a new location – the Omni Grove Park Inn, a breathtaking venue in the mountains of Asheville, N.C. Attendees got to experience the gorgeous views, accompanied by networking opportunities, spa and golf activities, and – most importantly – education sessions featuring 11 expert speakers, including:

  • Scott Buchta, Brean Capital
  • Lori Carmichael, Doeren Mayhew
  • Andi Crockett, Vizo Financial
  • Jerry Clark, Moody’s Analytics
  • Derek Fuzzell, PAHO/WHO FCU & Bienestar Financial Investments
  • Dan Gonzalez, Federal Reserve Financial Services
  • Jeanine LaBarbera, Doeren Mayhew
  • Ann Petros, NAFCU
  • Ellis Phifer, Raymond James
  • Lindsey Piegza, Stifel Nicolaus
  • Charles Vice, NCUA

These authorities in the financial industry presented on timely and relevant topics such as investment and interest rate strategies for credit unions, trends in asset/liability and balance sheet management, the FedNow® Service and instant payments, an update from Washington and so much more.

In addition to the top-notch education sessions, the conference also hosted a retirement celebration for the Corporate’s president/CEO, David Brehmer. Those who worked alongside David over the past 20+ years, as well as his friends and family, came together for a special reception and dinner to honor his long and accomplished credit union career. There was even a special presentation, where people had the opportunity to share their fondest memories of David.

Those in attendance had this to say about the conference:

“I like content heavy conferences. This one was one quality presentation after another.”
-Chase Garth, VASCO FCU

“Great venue. Well-organized event.”
-Brian Hedgepeth, Bronco FCU

“A few of the sessions were super critical and very valuable for me and my credit union.”
-Darrell Tyler, Richmond Heritage FCU

In short, the 2023 Financial Conference was an exercise in empowering credit unions with financial excellence, celebrating the tenure of our beloved president/CEO and, overall, a resounding success!

Thank you to all attendees, speakers and participants of the 2023 Financial Conference! We’re already looking forward to next year’s event, which is tentatively scheduled for September 10-13, 2024, at the Omni Grove Park Inn in Asheville, N.C. Mark your calendars now!

Focus Spotlight: No-Tiers (And No Tears!) Flex Account

Are you looking for an investment option that will actually bring tears of joy? If so, you may want to check out Vizo Financial’s no-tiers flex account!

Here’s the scoop on why we think you’ll love our flex account and the flexibility that comes with it:

  • It’s a no-tiers, floating rate share account.
  • There are no minimum balance or withdrawal amount requirements.
  • There are no maximum deposit requirements.
  • Credit unions can perform two withdrawals per calendar month with no penalty.
  • The account accrues dividends daily.

So, what do you think…are you excited to finally leave your investment blues behind? No more tears will fall – unless they're happy ones – with our all-inclusive, no-tiers flex account.

Want to know more about the flex account? Email your corporate account manager at today!

Holiday Closings

Holiday Closings

Vizo Financial will be closed in observance of the following upcoming holidays:

Monthly Financials Now Available

Monthly Financials Now Available

Vizo Financial's Privacy Policy

Vizo Financial's Privacy Policy

Vizo Financial Corporate Credit Union’s official privacy policy is posted on our website for your review:

Did You Know: How One Credit Union Uses ALM Services to Save Time & Provide Valuable Guidance

A Case Study in ALM featuring First Capital Federal Credit Union
By Melissa Scott, VP, ALM services, Vizo Financial

No matter the size of a credit union, interest rate risk requirements and the tumultuous market landscape are ongoing concerns. But, with increasingly complicated balance sheets and heightened regulatory requirements, effective asset liability management (ALM) is becoming more and more complex, requiring a bigger bite out of a credit union’s resources.

Beyond the basic levels required to comply with regulations for interest-rate risk management, credit union executives and boards of directors need to be able to forecast earnings under various business and market assumptions in order to make informed strategic decisions. But, at a time when everyone’s resources are being stretched thin, it can be difficult to satisfy demands. Many credit unions are finding it an unfeasible challenge to allocate the time and maintain the knowledge needed to effectively manage their ALM needs.

Look at Outsourcing

One solution is to partner with a third-party vendor, freeing staff to concentrate on analyzing the results, rather than producing reports while the vendor provides the technology and expertise to perform ALM analyses.

First Capital Federal Credit Union (York, Pa., $212 million), turned to Vizo Financial Corporate Credit Union for help in this matter. Kevin Linden, EVP of finance at First Capital FCU, said, “The biggest benefit is guidance from knowledgeable experts. Smooth modeling and consistent reporting have helped guide our credit union to financial success.”

An outside vendor, such as Vizo Financial, has the technology and expertise to provide timely model processing along with analyses to interpret model results in an ALCO-friendly format. Credit union management can spend time studying the reports and, since the data is already loaded in the model, easily run simulations forecasting earnings utilizing different business and market assumptions.

“Letting the experts perform the data input and produce the reports gives our credit union more time to focus on the results so we can make changes to optimize financial performance,” said Linden.

Check the Results

Time savings. Instead of gathering data and preparing reporting, a credit union uploads files to their vendor which processes the data and delivers ALM reports, along with an analysis of the results, to the credit union. This decreases the amount of time credit union staff must spend creating the reports.

Linden estimated that just collecting the data to perform the most basic analysis from their prior vendor would previously take four to five hours – and even more if examiners asked for additional stress testing. “But,” he said, “uploading the data to Vizo Financial takes only an hour. We simply provide the same set of files each quarter and Vizo Financial does the rest.”

Latest technology. When making strategic decisions, credit union management needs accurate forecasts of net interest income and liquidity under various scenarios. Leveraging the robust modeling technology makes running multiple “what-if” scenarios easy.

First Capital FCU’s ALCO uses Vizo Financial’s ALM services to perform quarterly net economic value (NEV) and net interest income (NII) simulations, as well as liquidity forecasting to analyze the sources and uses of cash. The credit union’s ALCO uses the results of simulations and stress tests to forecast liquidity in different situations.

Expert knowledge & support. Having knowledgeable experts available to answer questions or provide guidance can build confidence that decisions are being made with accurate information. First Capital FCU performs back-testing to compare their forecasting models to what actually happened on a quarterly basis. Linden said, “I report to ALCO if our results vary by more than five percent, and I haven’t had to do that since working with Vizo Financial.”

And the knowledge First Capital FCU receives from Vizo Financial’s ALM team is just the tip of the iceberg. Support is a crucial part of the relationship the credit union has developed with their provider. “We have a certain comfort level with Vizo Financial,” Linden said. “We trust what they are doing, so we can focus on other "things.""

The Choice is Yours

According to Linden, First Capital FCU has benefitted from its partnership with Vizo Financial by saving time in running models, as well as by not having to monitor and maintain additional software. “We feel we have selected a trusted partner that understands our credit union because they monitor and work with our balance sheet data and results on a consistent basis,” he said. “Vizo Financial allows us to run additional scenarios as needed, without any additional fees, so we can see how to expect our NEV and NII to react, giving us the knowledge ahead of time to make informed decisions.”

Expert analysis gives confidence that results are correctly interpreted and experienced guidance aids in communications to a credit union’s ALCO. Having access to the latest technology gives a credit union the benefit of both in-house and outsourced modeling solutions because, once the data is loaded into the software, they have the ability to access the model to extract additional reporting for analysis.

Working with an established expert in the field of ALM allows a credit union to make the best use of its resources, saving staff time as well as gaining expert guidance and the necessary technology. “First Capital has been delighted with the service and staff of Vizo Financial for the three years we have been using them,” said Linden.

If you’d like to learn more about Vizo Financial’s ALM services, contact our ALM team at!

2024 Holiday Closings

Vizo Financial will be closed on the following dates in 2024 in honor of the federal holidays listed below.

These closings are in accordance with the Federal Reserve Bank’s 2024 holiday closing schedule. You can also find this information posted on the Holiday Closings page of our website.

New Year’s Day
Monday, January 1

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Monday, January 15

Presidents' Day
Monday, February 19

Memorial Day
Monday, May 27

Wednesday, June 19

Independence Day
Thursday, July 4

Labor Day
Monday, September 2

Indigenous Peoples' Day/Columbus Day
Monday, October 14

Veterans Day
Monday, November 11

Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, November 28

Christmas Day
Wednesday, December 25

Security Corner: Credential Theft: A Cybercriminal’s Treasure Trove

By Mike Bechtel, information security analyst, Vizo Financial

Long before Johnny Depp stole our hearts as the quirky and selfish, yet still loveable Captain Jack Sparrow, there were real pirates. It’s true, he probably was the “worst pirate we’ve ever heard of” because he actually had a conscience – something the real ones did not…and still don’t.

Yes, pirates still exist. Sure, they may not have the quintessential pirate garb, parrot companion and massive wooden ships, but they still have a place in our world, on and off the sea. In fact, modern day pirates are quite tech savvy, and many conduct their work from right in front of a computer screen just like you and me. The truth is, these “pirates” we refer to are what we would now call hackers, cybercriminals, bad actors, etc.

In today’s world, cybercrime is the new pirating, and it’s much more sophisticated than the likes of Captain Jack Sparrow or Blackbeard. But the end-game is still the same – to find their treasure (aka, forcibly take money from unsuspecting victims) through various means.

One of the fastest growing trends used by cybercriminals is credential theft. It’s a fairly straightforward idea where the hackers steal a person’s identity in the form of usernames, passwords and other pieces of login information to gain access to protected systems, such as online banking, company networks and even the cloud. Not only do these credentials provide direct access to secure systems that can lead them to the treasure trove of financial “gold” they want, but it also conjures up less suspicion because the access appears to be legitimate.

Looting: How Credential Theft is Committed

So, how are these modern day “pirates” collecting these credentials? Here are some commonly used tactics cybercriminals employ to commit credential theft:

      1. Outdated technology exploitation. You know those patches and updates us cybersecurity folks are always talking about? They can lead to credential theft. If your credit union operates on an older Windows system or hasn’t updated your firewalls in even as little as a couple weeks, you run this risk of creating gaps that cybercriminals can crawl through, leaving credential information exposed. The same is true of outdated critical infrastructure systems that resulted in the Equifax and Yahoo data breaches, for example. Where there is a gap, there is a way for hackers to find and utilize credentials.
      2. Malware attacks. It only takes a single click on a bad link or online ad to spread malware throughout your devices and systems. Once malware is attached to your network, hackers can easily find credentials and use them for their gain.
      3. Social engineering/phishing attacks. As we all know, social engineering has many forms, but they all focus on one thing…the human condition. The weakest link is often the human one, and hackers exploit that through phishing emails or vishing calls aimed at gathering credentials right from the source.
      4. Poor password security. There’s a reason most passwords these days call for a minimum number of characters; a mixture of letters, numbers and special characters; different cases; and so on. That’s because poor password security – aka, easy-to-crack passwords – are no match for experienced cybercriminals. But, that’s only one part of the password security puzzle. Using old passwords repeatedly or using the same password across multiple systems is also a hazard. Once a hacker has your password, they’ll be able to utilize it and access the corresponding system.
      5. Man in the middle (MitM) attacks. A MitM attack is when a cybercriminal hacks communications between two entities, while both parties believe they are solely interacting with one another. As the man in the middle, as the name suggests, hackers can eavesdrop on the conversation and, consequently, gain access to credentials.
      6. Cloud service attacks. These days, a large portion of the workforce performs their job duties either remotely or via a hybrid schedule. That means the use of cloud-based programs such as Microsoft Office 365 or Adobe Creative Cloud are utilized more frequently than ever before. As such, cybercriminals have been known to hack these systems and steal credentials.

Batten Down the Hatches: How to Combat Credential Theft

Unlike seafarers from the pages of history, armed cannons and impetuous rerouting of our cargo won’t provide resistance against today’s pirates – not in the cyber world. Instead, there are other defensive measures we can take to stop credential theft.

  • Multifactor Authentication (MFA). Credentials are harder to steal when they come in layers. MFA provides two (sometimes even three) layers of authentication before access is granted to a system. In the event that a password and/or username is already in a hacker’s possession, they will still have to complete the subsequent MFA prompts, which may require additional credentials they don’t have, preventing them from accessing sensitive information.
  • Permissions and Privileges. Basically, know who within your organization has access to your systems and understand why they need those permissions. Do the proper due diligence in assigning permissions and privileges only to those who need it to complete their jobs. Also be aware that system administrators are more likely to be targeted because of their high-level access to protected data. The fewer people who have access to a system, the fewer avenues cybercriminals will have to steal information.
  • Password Management. Be smart about password management within your credit union. Maintain specific requirements for your employees’ passwords, including how often they need to be changed, how long they need to be, etc. Don’t allow changed passwords to be too similar to past ones and encourage employees to differentiate passwords among various systems.
  • Train, Train, Train. There is no such thing as too much training. Keep this in mind when it comes to security awareness education for your staff. The more they know about credential theft, social engineering scams, malware, ransomware and the other multitude of security threats out there, the better they will be at protecting their information and, by association, the credit union’s. Security awareness training can include tips for good password management, examples of cybersecurity risks, what to do in the event of a security incident, etc. Cover all the bases and then some!
  • Know Your Risks and Close Your Gaps. Remember those gaps we talked about earlier? They are a major entry point for hackers, so they must be addressed often. Read cybersecurity bulletins every day and sign up for industry alerts so that you know when new patches and updates are available. Then, implement them as soon as possible to close those gaps and keep hackers out. At the same time, make sure you perform your routine vulnerability scanning, information security risk assessments and all those other tools to help you understand where your risks lie. The more you know, the better prepared you will be.
  • Respond to Incidents IMMEDIATELY. If you know a system or device has been compromised through credential theft, handle the situation as quickly and efficiently as possible. That means isolating the item from company-wide networks and other connections immediately and following through with your incident response plans.
  • Stay Compliant. There are so many governing bodies when it comes to cybersecurity. Regulations from the NCUA, FFIEC and others provide guidance to help you stay protected and, if all else fails, to fight against cyber threats such as credential theft. It’s simple, but so important to be on top of your cybersecurity practices, so look for ways to be proactive and compliant.

It’s time to stop thinking of pirates as the rum-soaked, sword-slinging mutineers from days of old. The truth is, they still exist. But, these days, they do their dirty work using technology and strategy. They may go by different names now and have a far superior method for finding their treasure trove of stolen data, but their goal of pilfering funds remains the same and their potential victims (including your employees, your credit union and your members) are countless.

Through simple credential theft – stealing the usernames and passwords we use each and every day – they can carry out their heists in an easier, more indirect way than ever before. However, sharing the knowledge about credential theft and other cybersecurity threats within your credit union will help to better protect your information and allow you to create a plan with tech-driven strategies of your own to keep that coveted treasure safe and secure.

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Latest Blog Posts, Podcast Episodes & Webinar Recordings:

Thank You New Users

Thank You New Users

Thank you to the credit unions and organizations that recently began using the following services...

Community Involvement

Vizo Financial continues to make a positive difference in our local communities. Here’s what we’ve been doing over the past few months:

Maui Wildfire Relief

In August, wildfires swept the Hawaiian island of Maui. In response, Vizo Financial donated $10,000 to the National Credit Union Foundation’s CUAid disaster relief fund to help credit unions and their employees.

Vizo Financial Empowerment Grants Program

In September 2023, Vizo Financial launched our Empowerment Grants Program. The Corporate has pledged $1 million for the program, which includes a five-year plan to disperse the funds to credit union foundations so that they can help natural person credit unions build financial literacy programs.

Funds will be allocated on an annual basis to the Carolinas Credit Union Foundation, CrossState Credit Union Foundation, The Credit Union Foundation of Maryland and the District of Columbia and the Credit Unions Care Foundation of Virginia, which are the state credit union foundations that serve the majority of Vizo Financial members.

The foundations will administer the grants by accepting credit union applications, approving grant requests and providing summary reporting on the impact of each project. The grants will be available to all Vizo Financial members, as well as other credit unions within their region who meet certain criteria and agree to the terms and conditions of the program.

Victory Junction’s Run to Victory Run/Walk Event

Vizo Financial was a Victory Lane sponsor of the Run to Victory run/walk event to benefit Victory Junction on September 9, 2023. Participants were invited to join the event either in-person at Victory Junction in Randleman, N.C., or virtually from their homes. Victory Junction serves children dealing with serious medical conditions and chronic illnesses. Their mission is to enrich the lives of children with serious illnesses by providing life-changing camp experiences that are exciting, fun and empowering, at no cost to children or their families.

Day of Service

Vizo Financial recently held our annual Day of Service on October 9, 2023. Staff had the opportunity to volunteer at one of several events being offered at each campus. Following a morning of volunteer activities and camaraderie, staff enjoyed some lunch and reflection on our efforts to demonstrate the credit union movement’s cooperative principle of “concern for community.” Organizations we supported during this year’s Day of Service included:

Financial Reality Fairs

Vizo Financial is participating in several financial reality fairs. We will be sending representatives to financial reality fairs with the PA Department of Corrections on October 20, which is being held by the CrossState Credit Union Foundation, and Hempfield High School on December 14-15, through Wheatland FCU.

Financial reality fairs are designed so that participants can identify potential career choices and starting salaries, then complete a budget sheet requiring them to live within their monthly salary while paying for basics such as housing, utilities, transportation, clothing, food and additional expenditures such as entertainment and travel.

Fourth Quarter 2023 Education Sessions

Vizo Financial’s education sessions for the fourth quarter of 2023 are:

Empowering Credit Unions: Tips for Mitigating Payment Fraud Risk

Tarah Sweigart, payments risk analyst, Vizo Financial
October 17 at 10:00 a.m. ET

From checks to wires and everything in between, payment fraud is a real risk for credit unions. It’s tricky, though, because it has many faces and can even masquerade itself in plain sight. But don’t let the different facets of payment fraud overwhelm your credit union. This session is all about empowering you with the knowledge and understanding of various types of payment fraud, how to mitigate and even prevent payment fraud and what to do if payment fraud occurs within your institution.

Register Now

Understanding the Language of Credit Union Financials and Ratios

Michael Rice, senior ALM consultant, Vizo Financial
October 24 at 10:00 a.m. ET

Understanding the language of credit union financials can be challenging, especially when it comes to the many intricacies of the balance sheet and the subsequent deep dive into the meaning of its contents. For example, what is a capital ratio and why is it so important? What are the key line items on a credit union’s financial statement and what is their impact? What role do profit and spread analyses play in ALM?

Let’s explore these complex financial concepts together to better comprehend how statements, ratios and language support a credit union’s overall financial position.

Register Now

Tabletop Exercise – Threats to Your Credit Union

Mark Clarke, business continuity administrator, Vizo Financial
November 2 at 2:00 p.m. ET

A tabletop exercise is a walk-through of emergency procedures with your credit union’s key personnel about what could happen in a real-life incident. This live tabletop will test your credit union’s plans with a “mock” real-world example. How will your team handle the situation? Are you prepared?

Register Now

Possible or Probable? How to Assess the Risk

Jessica Lelii, AAP, APRP, director of education, Macha/PAR
November 9 at 10:00 a.m. ET

The ACH Operating Rules require all participating DFIs, Third-Party Senders and Nested Third-Party Senders to conduct an assessment of the risks of their ACH activities. But how is not specified. In this session, we will look at risk assessment best-practices and how to maintain compliance with the requirements of your primary regulators.

Register Now

Putting Credit Union Risks & Security in the Hot Seat

John Cuneo, VP, information security, Vizo Financial
Mike Bechtel, information security analyst, Vizo Financial
Keeley Hartman, information security analyst, Vizo Financial

November 14 at 10:00 a.m. ET

Just when you think you’ve got security and risk under control, a new threat emerges. That’s inevitable, but credit unions are better off being proactive. And we have the experts to help you do just that! In this panel discussion, we’re putting the Vizo Financial security team, which includes John Cuneo, VP, information security; Mike Bechtel, information security analyst; and Keeley Hartman, information security analyst, in the hot seat to answer pressing questions about credit union risk and security.

Jaime Agostino will serve as the panel discussion moderator and will ask John, Mike and Keeley security and risk questions. Bring your questions to ask our experts as well by including them in your registration for this one-hour webinar.

Register Now

Making Waves: Using ALM to Navigate the Financial Voyage Ahead

Melissa Scott, VP, ALM services, Vizo Financial
November 30 at 10:00 a.m. ET

You don’t have to be an ALM expert to know that the financial markets are rapidly evolving and, consequently, making waves in the credit union world. New trends are washing ashore. New challenges are looming heavy in the skies. And, above all else, balance sheets and ALM risks are transforming. It can be difficult to chart your intended route with all these mounting changes, especially in the current market environment we’re in…unless you have a viewpoint from the crow’s nest. In this webinar, Vizo Financial’s VP of ALM services, Melissa Scott, will act as your lookout for the financial voyage ahead as she provides insight into how to navigate ALM in the current market landscape.

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Spending Time Becoming A Great Leader Webinar

Joe Bertotto, SVP, chief culture officer, Vizo Financial
December 5 at 10:00 a.m. ET

In this webinar, we will discuss how to use your time effectively to improve your leadership abilities, your team’s skills and your results. Many times, during the workday, we get caught “in the thick of things.” It can feel like we are getting hit with one tidal wave after another of problems, issues and crises. One way to mitigate this is by spending more of our time helping things go right instead of getting caught in the cycle of correcting things that go wrong. Join Vizo Financial’s chief culture officer, Joe Bertotto, as we shift our view from spending time dealing with urgent matters to focusing on the important levers we can pull to increase our effectiveness and efficiency.

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Return to Sender – Selecting Relevant Return Reason Codes

Jessica Lelii, AAP, APRP, director of education, Macha/PAR
December 12 at 2:00 p.m. ET

Are you sometimes unsure of the right return reason code to use? Do dishonored returns and contested dishonored returns have you scratching your head? In this session, we will cover all of the return, dishonored return and contested dishonored return codes, and when they should appropriately be used. Knowing your rights and responsibilities under the Rules will help you reduce the risk of potential loss for your institution.

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Vizo Financial’s Quarterly Tech-Talks

James Dellarosa, product strategy manager, Vizo Financial
December 19 at 1:00 p.m. ET

Each Tech-Talk will feature mini demos and showcase the FinTechs we think can bring big benefits to credit unions. In these quick 30-minute discussions, you’ll gain some understanding of the newest tools available to you, as well as what they could mean for the future of your institution, and get answers to your questions. This is your time to seek out the technology and innovation to help revolutionize your credit union. Let our Tech-Talk events be the start of your transformation journey!

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Upcoming Event

Vizo Financial will be hosting the following event for credit unions. Please register for any of our events on the Upcoming Events page of our website.

Payments Conference

October 25-26, 2023 - Virtual Event

The marquee of any credit union is its payment solutions. With all the glitz and glam of new advancements in the payments world, it’s time to shed some light on the modern payments landscape and take action to improve your institution’s understanding of how innovation, regulation and transformation are intertwined. So, here’s your sign…attend Vizo Financial’s 2023 Payments Conference and cash in on some seriously good payments education!

This virtual event will take place from October 25-26, 2023, on a screen near you. Let the leaders in payments walk you down the red carpet of essential payment trends, tech and tactics to enhance your credit union’s lineup and meet evolving member needs. Don’t miss this premier payments event, just for credit unions!

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Vizo Financial On the Road

Vizo Financial has been out and about all year. Have you spotted us? If so, make sure you tag us on social media using hashtag #VizoFinancialOnTheRoad.

Here’s a look at a few locations we visited in the third quarter.

African American Credit Union Coalition Conference

Robyn Cooper, corporate account manager, and Jaime Agostino, VP of sales, marketing and education, attended the AACUC Conference in Atlanta, Ga., back in July.

Defense Credit Union Council Conference

Joe Reiner, corporate account manager, attended the Defense Credit Union Council Conference in Colorado Springs, Colo., on August 7-10, 2023, and donated the Corporate’s charity gift basket for the silent auction to benefit the Robert Irvine Foundation.

CUNA’s Northeast Small CU Conference

Ty Snavely and Robyn Cooper, corporate account managers, attended CUNA’s Northeast Small CU Conference, which was held in Philadelphia, Pa. in August.

Point Breeze CU “The Harvest” Charity Golf Outing

Joe Reiner, corporate account manager, attended Point Breeze Credit Union’s “The Harvest” Charity Golf Outing benefitting The Maryland Food Bank in Phoenix, Md., on September 18.

MACUMA Annual Conference

Joe Reiner, corporate account manager, and Jaime Agostino, VP of sales, marketing and education, made their way to the Metropolitan Area Credit Union Management Association (MACUMA) Annual Conference in Hershey, Pa., on September 19-20. Congratulations to Jerry Macomber of Strategic FCU, the winner of our gift basket giveaway!

CrossState Credit Union Association’s Small CU Collaborate

Robyn Cooper, corporate account manager, attended CrossState Credit Union Association’s Small CU Collaborate virtual event back in September.

Horizon FCU’s Expand Expo

Jaime Agostino, VP of sales, marketing and education, and Robyn Cooper, corporate account manager, attended Horizon FCU’s Expand Expo in Hershey, Pa., on September 17-21, 2023. We also owe congratulations to our gift basket winner, Sarah Selverian of Superior CU.

CrossState Credit Union Association’s Fall Leadership

On September 7-9, corporate account managers, Ty Snavely and Steve Houser, attended the CrossState Credit Union Association’s Fall Leadership event in Seven Springs, Pa. They also competed in the cornhole tournament for the foundation. Congratulations to Yeti prize winner, Sandy Croushore from United Community FCU.

PSECU Charity Golf Outing

Also in September, corporate account managers, Ty Snavely and Steve Houser, participated in PSECU’s Chips In Charity Golf Outing benefitting the four Pennsylvania chapters of Junior Achievement (JA).

Kathleen Fey Inaugural Charity Golf Outing

Vizo Financial’s corporate account managers, Steve Houser and Ty Snavely, as well as securities safekeeping specialist, Bill Coleman, and SVP/chief treasury officer, Tim Sustak, attended the Kathleen Fey Leadership Program’s Inaugural Charity Golf Outing held by the CrossState Credit Union Association in Mechanicsburg, Pa., on September 22. Vizo Financial was also a Hole-in-One sponsor of the event!

Vizo Financial’s 2023 Financial Conference

On September 13-15, 2023, Vizo Financial held its annual Financial Conference at the Omni Grove Park Inn in Asheville, N.C. The educational event was attended by more than 100 credit union professionals, along with guests, speakers and several members of Vizo Financial’s staff.

CUaxis Community Annual Forum

CUaxis credit unions that use the CU*BASE core processing system gathered together on September 26 for the inaugural CUaxis Community Annual Forum in Pittsburgh, Pa. Several corporate team members were in attendance along with our core processing partner, CU*Answers.

Chartway Promise Foundation Charity Events

Joe Reiner, corporate account manager, attended the Chartway Promise Foundation Charity events, the inaugural Night for Hope and 24th annual Swings Fore Smiles golf tournament, in Virginia Beach, Va., on September 24-25.

Sun East Foundation Golf Classic

Ty Snavely, corporate account manager, also attended the Sun East Foundation Golf Classic at The White Manor Country Club in Malvern, Pa. on September 19. Proceeds from the outing are used to support non-profit organizations in the Greater Brandywine Valley in the areas of education and health and human services, as well as natural, cultural and historic preservation.

People First Golf Classic

Ty Snavely, corporate account manager, attended the People First Golf Classic on September 25 at the Woodstone Country Club in Danielsville, Pa., to benefit Habitat for Humanity of the Lehigh Valley, The Literacy Center and Battle Borne.

Where will we be next, you ask? You can find us at:

APEX 2023

October 11-13, 2023 in Uncasville, Conn.
Who to Look For: Robyn Cooper & Ashley Aubele

CrossState CU Reality Check

October 23-25, 2023 in Atlantic City, N.J.
Who to Look For: Ty Snavely & Steve Houser

CEO Summit

November 28-December 1, 2023 in Key West, Fla.
Who to Look For: Jaime Agostino & Fred Eisel

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Thank You New Users

Thank you to the credit unions and organizations that recently began using the following services:

Domestic Wires
Baxter CU IL
Coastal Credit Union Foundation NC

Securities Safekeeping
Police FCU MD

Atlantic Financial FCU MD
Camden Firemen's FCU NJ
Family 1st FCU PA
New Alliance FCU PA
Penlanco FCU PA
Penn East FCU MD
Topside FCU VA

Student Loan Program
Belco Community CU PA
Delaware State Police FCU DE
Tobacco Valley Teachers FCU CT

Coastal Credit Union Foundation NC

Thank you to the credit unions and organizations that recently began using MY CU Services:

Branch Capture
Lithium FCU NC

Business Bill Payment
Shoreline CU WI

Corporate Share Drafts
Coastal Credit Union Foundation NC

Deposit Returns
Lithium FCU NC

Foreign Check Services
Skyla FCU NC

Fraud Detection Solutions
Carolina Foothills FCU SC

Homebanking Images
Fayette Federal Employees FCU PA
Lehigh County Employees FCU PA

Image File Creation - Image Capture

Image File Creation - Share Draft
Delta Community FCU GA

International Wires
Skyla FCU NC

Managed IT
Members CU NC

Mobile Capture
Allied Plastics FCU LA
First Priority FCU WV
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity FCU GA
United Neighborhood FCU GA

OFAC Services
1st Choice CU GA
Freedom CU PA
Sun East FCU PA

Positive Pay Official Checks
Mountain CU NC

Teller Capture
UFCW Community FCU PA

Web Design & Hosting